I wish I could say it was happier. A student at my school passed away unexpectedly from a brain aneurysm. She was only 14. Death and dying are enough to deal with as an adult, but try explaining it and being the strong one for a class full of kids wondering why their classmate died. Will I have to explain this to my own kids someday? I certainly hope not.
Too young, too soon.
The insomnia is also back with a vengeance. I think there were a couple times this week that I woke at 2:30 and couldn't get back to sleep. Perhaps it's Mini Meyer preparing me for months of sleeplessness.
On a high note, my boyfriend finally conceded to getting a "new" car for himself. He's been driving his '95 Accord since we met in high school. The Red Baron, as I call I, has been to the moon in mileage and hasn't had working AC for a long time. Most concerning was that it was two-door, meaning it would be a huge pain getting Mini in and out.
Here it is! I'll have to come up with a name for it. It's an '03 Accord. Still stick shift, meaning I don't know how to drive it (sometimes I think that's why he likes manuals so much.) It has four doors(!) and has been very well maintained. We also paid in cash so we got a great deal. Overall it's a vast improvement from the last car and we both feel much better about carting our miniature beloved around in it.