Sunday, May 6, 2012


Things are blooming around here this weekend!  *Most* of our flowers have been planted and I'm sooooo happy with the way they turned out this year! 

These are from my cell phone so they're not the best quality.  Purple and yellow was the color scheme of choice and I'm LOVING the way they look against the yellow door!  The black pots are actually chalkboard painted.  I'm still trying to decide what to write on them. 

Here's a view of the backyard fleurs.  We get tons of shade so lots and lots of impatients.  There are two of these baskets on the patio fence.

And here's the back corner of the patio.  When we moved in, we found this bird bath stand had been left, sans top.  You would not believe how difficult it is to find a stinkin top!  I've looked at Walmart, Target, Lowe's, and Home Depot with no luck.  Garden Ridge is next up on my stop.

Anyone else do any planting lately?

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